Sunday, June 15, 2008


Dear Ratface,

Some otherwise nice but oblivious people were blocking the aisle through the store. I excused myself politely and waited patiently for them to notice me. But it took a while. In fact, I think they had finished their business and were actually just moving on. What should I have done. -Feeling Ignored.

Dear Feeling Ignored,

This is what Ratface calls a 'mistake'. Say in a strong voice, "You will get of the way. Right now." Give them a split second to take in your toothsome mug. If they don't high tail it right then, quickdraw your greataxe, rage, and sneak attack their heads from their shoulders. Then turn to the stunned onlookers and put a sort of puzzled innocent look on your face. Say, "Oh, did you think that was a request?" I guarantee, they will not make that mistake again. -Ratface